While we're all tugging our braids waiting for the WoTonPrime TV show to come, Jon from WoT Up!, Innkeeper Hatch from The Dusty Wheel, and I (Lauren from Unraveling the Pattern) decided we want to GIVE YOU FREE STUFF! And so, WOT Challenges was born.
We'll give the Wheel of Time fandom some fun challenges to do, you submit them to us, we judge them along with fans and other panelists LIVE on The Dusty Wheel Show, and the winner gets a prize!
Our first WOT Challenge is The Great WOT Meme-off, with a $100 (usd) Amazon.com gift card up for grabs to the winner! Watch the video to find out how it works or see the rules below:
If you skipped the video, here's how you can participate:
Create a Wheel of Time related meme
Make sure the meme is original (not copied from someone else)
Meme should be in English
Keep it clean (inappropriate memes/jokes will not be included)
Limit to two entries per person, but you can only qualify once (we'll pick the best of the two)
Submit via email to wotchallenges@gmail.com by COB on November 20, 2020
That's it! We'll judge the top 10 memes and crown a single winner on December 2, 2020, Live on The Dusty Wheel!
We can't wait to see what you guys come up with!!