Wheel Talk #21: The Eye of the World | A WOT Comedy RecapRecappa SedaiSep 16, 2020New Wheel Talk! This week Moiraine's Carpool visits Shadar Logoth, Mat makes some really bad choices, and no one is surprised.
New Wheel Talk! This week Moiraine's Carpool visits Shadar Logoth, Mat makes some really bad choices, and no one is surprised.
If you aren't subscribed to Wheel Talk and Recappa Sedai, you're a DIRTY DARKFRIEND! No, worse. Even Darkfriends subscribe to Recappa. You're just a bad person!
Mat's making snowangels in the treasure! LOL!!
I love Wheel Talk lol. One of the highlights of my week!
Recappa video!! YaY!! :)